
This morning, while taking the train from Karmiel to Tel Aviv, with my father, I edited one of the three books I am currently working on. This is a book about the IMEN movement. I edit it for Prague Publishing House and Israeli publishing firm who is the main spiritual firm in Israel.
I was totally submerged with the spiritual concept such as in the following paragraph: “‘Creative thinking’ is one of the most ancient known rules of magic. Our thought connects us with pools of energy which exist in Astral light, and you can move with a thought into the past and into the future. It connects us with ideas, people, and other places. We can be in Israel and out thought in Africa, so we better be careful with what we think about. The question is – what is our goal.”

Well, yesterday night I spent several hours in a routine Heart Mapping. I came home around midnight, fell asleep and woke up after 4.5 hours, to go and teach in Tel Aviv. On my way to the train station, I stopped by the local post office. In my Post office box, I have found a warning letter from Naharia hospital, reminding me that I still have to pay for my last night-visit at the emergency unit with my son Michael, a month ago, when he pushed a stick into his eye.
when I got to Tel Aviv I paid it. and less then an hour later, I had a phone call from the kindergarten. My son Daniel was bitten by a huge spider. The kindergarten teacher sent me the photo of this spider. I immediately published it on facebook, asking for advice. Naturally, I could not teach anymore, while I am in Tel Aviv and my son is suffering in a distance of two hours drive. I took the train back to Karmiel and got to the kindergarten as soon as I could.
When I got there, I have found both my sons in good shape. Daniel told me that he heard a girl screaming about a spider, and gallantly came to help her. when he touched the spider, “the spider shook his hand with his claws.” Michael added, that when his brother was bitten, he felt electric currents in his own hand.
“This is what happens with twins,” I explained to them, “When one of you is injured, his brother sense it.”
I took them to the new swimming group and they did just fine. The teacher is superb, and I got some time to pick myself.
I got another synchronicity as a sign of this. In the swimming pool, I met another mother of twins. we talked, and she told me that her sons study at “The Golden Dawn” educational system, in the Imen settlement of Maale Tsvia. She also invited us to enjoy the winter bazaar of the IMEN’s school this Saturday.
While being at the swimming pool I had another synchronicity as a sign. I met another mother of twins there. we talked, and she told me that her sons study at “The Golden Dawn” educational system, in the Imen settlement of Maale Tsvia. She also invited us to enjoy the winter bazaar of the IMEN school this Saturday.
It was only now that I recollected the above-mentioned paragraph from the book I am editing, about the IMEN. All of a sudden it stroke me that this 24 hours medical sequence might have been initiated by my own thoughts, my anxieties. And that I am being led by this to the secret knowledge of the IMEN.
NO wonder. The house I have recently bought was built by a dear family, whose daughters learn at The Golden Dawn school at Maale Tsvia. And because of this they have decided to sell their house to me, and move to Maale Tsvia.
So according to he IMEN, I do have some spiritual work to do, basically to clean my thoughts so that they will not attract negative experiences as I have experienced today. But since I already identify the concealed ties which are hidden underneath it all, it seems that what I really need is only a fine spiritual tuning.
Have a wonderful night,